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Need for Timely Wheel Alignment


To achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself, you need to follow a specific path for it. Stroll away from it and you’ll not achieve what you want. Similarly, your car is designed to go anywhere that you direct it to. And to do so, manufacturer’s set the wheels of your car at a specific angle for all of them to work together. Any disturbance in this system can cause damage to different parts of your car and make it act weird. Keep reading to know more about this synced system.

What is Wheel Alignment

The process of checking and adjusting the angles of the wheels with respect to the body of the car, as per the manufacturer’s recommendation, is known as wheel alignment. Most of the people are usually unaware of the fact that there is a need for this in their cars. They don’t know what important aspect they’ve been missing out on. A misaligned wheel can have several, often immediate and often delayed, adverse effects on your car. The most basic being a fall in the car’s performance and handling capacity. Regular maintenance can help you avoid this issue and prevent your car’s parts from depreciating.

Effects of Misalignment

Misalignment in the wheels does not only have negative effects on the wheels, but it also extends to other different parts. The first and foremost damage being an increased rate of tyre wear. The wheels are not in the position they’re supposed to be and are, therefore, dragged by the car to move in the desired direction. This extra effort that the car has to do is done by the engine, which requires more fuel to do so. Thus, reducing fuel-efficiency.

The damage, if not checked on time, can extend to the other parts of the car like suspension, transmission and other wheels as well. Your car will also not move in a straight direction when left to on its own and will tend to have a pull in a certain direction. This can be a stressful and dangerous situation to drive in, as one second of mind-diversion and you don’t know how serious might be the consequences.

How is it Corrected

The car is lifted on an alignment rack to deal with this issue. The technician then uses different available tools to check the angles of the wheels. The three major angles that he inspects are the caster, camber and toe. These three are the most essential angles, that need to be correct for your car to work properly.

How often to get it done

One cannot really determine the need for wheel alignment for each car. It is, however, recommended to get your wheel alignment checked every time you take your car for a service. You should also get it checked if you feel that your car isn’t moving in the desired direction. You should take your car for this inspection more often if you have wide tyres or own a sporty car like Audi, BMW, Mazda 3, etc. Things usually go wrong after you hit a bump too hard or a minor accident. Therefore, do give your car’s movement a bit more attention after this to notice any damage.

Wheel alignment Tamworth is inarguably one of the most important aspects of the car, and any damage to this system means a lot more loss than just stressful driving. Ignorance towards this system can make you lose money both, in short and long term. If you have any queries about wheel alignment and need assistance in bringing your car’s performance to its best, contact us at One Stop Tyre Centre. Our experienced professionals will be more than happy to help you with your both, query and issue. You will be receiving both from proficient professionals, therefore, there is no scope of being misled. You can be sure to only to receive best in class services and pieces of advice from them.


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